Web log file data elements

Hits: any call to a page and all its framed content boxes, scripts, gifs, jpgs, will be recorded as hits (if a page has 2 javascript files embedded, 3 gifs, 4 boxes as frames in the page, and a main content, then a call to this page is considered as 10 hits)

Page views: Any page viewed and refreshed for any reason 3 times will be considered as 4 views during the day (how to take care of this)

visits: Any number of visits made by the same IP address will be considered as different visits (how do we solve this?)

IP address (same as visits)

Date (same as visits)

Page URL (same as visits)

Server response code

File size

Referral URL

browser type

Operating system type

http error and non-error codes

Time on a page

search terms and phrases

Page visited


See the example data of a visit summarized from a web log file:

  Http Code: 200 Date: Feb 24 20:04:46 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: 456522
  Referer: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=Hair+%2Bcluster+centroids&meta=
  Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; (R1 1.5); .NET CLR 1.1.4322)


The visit is coming from California, pointed by VPN.McGill.CA (meant McGill University in Ontorio, Canada), based on IP address.  The person was searching for references with key words, Hair, cluster, Centroids, and the above article is 5th ranked among 227k referred pages and the person clicke on it.

The key intelligence is to understand when to say the same person is visiting, how to connect his/her visits to hard sales data so that the site management could be optimizing the site, when to optimize the site, and what will optimize the site.


Again in summary we will provide information on the following:  A comparison of this with HITBOX will be provided upon request. (crmportals@gmail.com with subject title:  Request for AWStats vs. HITBOX comparison)

* Number of Visits, and number of Unique visitors.

* Visit duration and latest visits.

* Authenticated Users, and latest authenticated visits.

* Usage by Months, Days of week and Hours of the day (pages, hits, KB).

* Domains/countries (and regions, cities and ISP with Maxmind proprietary geo databases) of visitor's hosts (pages, hits, KB,

269 domains/countries detected).

* Hosts list, latest visits and unresolved IP addresses list.

* Most viewed, Entry and Exit pages.

* Most commonly requested File types.

* Web Compression statistics (for Apache servers using mod_gzip or mod_deflate modules).

* Visitor's Browsers (pages, hits, KB for each browser, each version, 123 browsers detected: Web, Wap, Streaming Media browsers..., around 482 with the "phone browsers" database).

* Visitor's Operating Systems (pages, hits, KB for each OS, 45 OS detected).

* Robots visits, including search engine crawlers (381 robots detected).

* Search engines, Keywords and Phrases used to find your site (The 122 most famous search engines are detected like Yahoo, Google, Altavista, etc...)

* HTTP Errors (Page Not Found with latest referrer, ...).

* User defined reports based on url, url parameters, referrer (referer) fields extend AWStats' capabilities to provide even

greater technical and marketing information.

* Number of times your site is added to Bookmarks / Favorites.

* Screen size (to capture this, some HTML tags must be added to a site's home page).

* Ratio of integrated Browser Support for: Java, Flash, Real G2 player, Quicktime reader, PDF reader, WMA reader (as

above, requires insertion of HTML tags in site's home page).

* Cluster distribution for load balanced servers.